Our Partners

AEM Enersol partners with National Institute of Oceanography and Experimental Geophysics (OGS) to provide technical services for overburden study.
National Institute of Oceanography and Experimental Geophysics (OGS) is a research institute financed by the Italian Ministry of Universities and Research. Its function is research in oceanography, geology and geophysics.
OGS specific tasks are: crustal studies; the search for oil, gas and minerals; earthquake seismology; environmental geophysics; hydrogeology; hydrodynamics and ecology of the seas and oceans. These activities are carried out by three Departments: Geophysics, Oceanography, and Seismology.
OGS is concerned with transferring the results of its research activities to industry, and is open to cooperation with scientists from academic and research institutions, as well as to partnership with industrial research centres.
Product & Services
OGS has participated in the following European projects on CO2 geophysical monitoring and geological storage:
- CO2Net2 – Carbon Dioxide Knowledge Sharing Network, EU Project FP5.
- CASTOR – CO2, from capture to storage, EU Project (Contract No. SES6-CT2004502586).
- CO2 Remove – Research, Monitoring, Verification, EU Project FP6 (Project Reference: 518350)
- InCaCO2 – International Co-ordination Action on CO2 Capture and Storage, EU Project FP6 (Project Reference: 513535)
- CO2GeoNet – Network of Excellence on Geological Sequestration of CO2, EU Project FP6 (Project no: SES6-CT-2004-502816)
- GeoCapacity – Assessing European Capacity for Geological Storage of Carbon Dioxide, EU Project FP6 (Project no. SES6-518318)
- RISCS – Research into Impacts and Safety in CO2 Storage EU project FP7 (2010-12)
- Pre-injection Off-Shore Baseline Survey, ENEL – Contract n. 1400015684, (2010-12)
- ECO2 – Sub-seabed CO2 Storage: Impact on Marine Ecosystems, EU project FP7 (Project reference 265847)
- CO2Monitor – Development of innovative techniques for monitoring of storage sites of carbon dioxide (CO2) Italian project (see in http://co2monitor.inogs.it/).
- European Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage Laboratory Infrastructure NAT Lab Italy
- AcidIt (Science for mitigation and adaptation policy of ecological and socio economical impacts of Acidification in Italian seas) Italian Project (2014-2016)
- Mediterranean Sea Acidification in a Changing Climate MEDSEA FP7 (2011-14)
- Fixed-Point Open Ocean Laboratories FIXO3 FP7 (2013-2017)
- SITECHAR – Site Characterization for CO2 Geological storage, EU project FP7 (Project reference 256705)
- CO2CARE – CO2 Site Closure Assessment Research, EU project FP7-ENERGY-2010-1 (Project reference 256625)
- Jones D.G., Beaubien S.E., Blackford J.C., Foekema E.M., Lions J., De Vittor C., West J.M., Widdicombe S., Hauton C., Queirós A.M., 2015. Developments since 2005 in understanding potential environmental impacts of CO2 leakage from geological storage. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 40: 350–377.
- Beaubien S.E., De Vittor C., Mcginnis D.F., Bigi S., Comici C., Ingrosso G., Lombardi S., Ruggiero L. 2014. Preliminary Experiments and Modeling of the Fate of CO2 Bubbles in the Water Column Near Panarea Island (Italy). Energy Procedia, 59: 397-403.
- Beaubien S.E., De Vittor C., Viezzoli D., Annunziatellis, A,. Bigi S., Celussi M., Colella, S., Comici C., Graziani S., Karuza A., Kralj M., Lombardi S. , Pacciaroni M. 2014. Use of the Panarea natural test laboratory for offshore CO2 leakage monitoring and impact studies. Source of the Document 4th EAGE CO2 Geological Storage Workshop 2014: Demonstrating Storage Integrity and Building Confidence in CCS,pp. 146-150
- Carcione, J. M., 2000, A model for seismic velocity and attenuation in petroleum source rocks, Geophysics, 65, 1080-1092.
- Carcione, J. M., 1998, Viscoelastic effective rheologies for modeling wave propagation in porous media, Geophys. Prosp., 46, 249-270.
- Carcione, J. M., 1995, Constitutive model and wave equation for linear, viscoelastic, anisotropic media, Geophysics, 60, 537-548.
- Carcione, J. M., 1990, Wave propagation in anisotropic linear viscoelastic media: theory and simulated wavefields, Geophys. J. Int., 101, 739-750. Erratum: 1992, 111, 191.
- Carcione, J. M., Quiroga-Goode, G., and Cavallini, F., 1996, Wavefronts in dissipative anisotropic media: comparison of the plane wave theory with numerical modeling, Geophysics, 61, 857-861.
- Carcione, J. M., and Gurevich, B., 2011, Differential form and numerical implementation of Biot’s poroelasticity equations with squirt dissipation, Geophysics, 76, N55-N64.
- Carcione, J. M., Gurevich, B., and Santos, J. E., and Picotti, S., 2013, Angular and frequency dependent wave velocity and attenuation in fractured porous media, Pure and Applied Geophysics, 170,1673-1683.
- Carcione, J. M., Helle, H. B., and Avseth, P., 2011, Source-rock seismic-velocity models: Gassmann versus Backus, Geophysics, 76, N37-N45. (pdf)
- Carcione, J. M., Herman, G., and ten Kroode, F. P. E., 2002, Seismic modeling, Geophysics, 67, 1304-1325.
Key Information
Website: www.ogs.trieste.it

Contact Details
+603 2733 0338 (Phone)
Head Office, Asia, Level 9, West Block, Wisma Golden Eagle Realty (GER), 142C, Jalan Ampang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Our Solutions

Contact Details
+603 2733 0338 (Phone)
Head Office, Asia, Level 9, West Block, Wisma Golden Eagle Realty (GER), 142C, Jalan Ampang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
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